
Huipili: Its name is derived from a Nahuati word meaning “My covering”. It is worn as an expression of one’s ethnicity. The huipil in Guatemala means the torso portion of the dress. Each huipil is unique and is often made by the woman who will wear it.
Faja: It is a belt woven on a backstrap loom and the belt is usually integral of every woman’s dress to secure the skirt or corte. It is also used as a way of showing social status, the richer the person, the more elaborate the design and the quality of the faja.
Trajes: It is an intricate clothing worn by the Maya people as a way to reconnect to their roots. It is handwoven from cotton using a backstrap to weave the designs.
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Huipili: Its name is derived from a Nahuati word meaning “My covering”. It is worn as an expression of one’s ethnicity. The huipil in Guatemala means the torso portion of the dress. Each huipil is unique and is often made by the woman who will wear it.
Faja: It is a belt woven on a backstrap loom and the belt is usually integral of every woman’s dress to secure the skirt or corte. It is also used as a way of showing social status, the richer the person, the more elaborate the design and the quality of the faja.
Trajes: It is an intricate clothing worn by the Maya people as a way to reconnect to their roots. It is handwoven from cotton using a backstrap to weave the designs.