Our purpose is to curate the life and style of the modern, bohemian woman through designs that accentuate her features, emphasize her femininity, and amplify her experience. - Emorie Jordon



Sooooo.....5 years ago around this time, I started developing this brand. Emorie (my daughter) was still an infant, Jordon (my son) was 2 years old. This is a big deal... especially since I had decided years prior that I was not going to have kids. I was juggling being a mom of 2 and it was a struggle.

I had just got laid off at a FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising after 8 years. It happened one day after my husband and I had came back from a European trip. I was so inspired while visiting so many different countries and speaking with the local artisans and designers. I received a call while in the middle of my trip letting me know that the 8th round of layoffs were happening. I remember my co-worker telling me that he was let go that day and gained his severance package. I had a feeling that this would be the round that I would get let go as well....and honestly, I was ok with it. I remember hanging up the phone...and telling myself...well, if you get let go, it's a great time to really get the business started.

I took advantage of my last week in Europe sourcing unique accessories and garments..in anticipation for the lay off. After we got back to the states, the very next day, I did indeed get laid off and collected my severence pacakage. I still remember hesitantly deciding to use my severance package to source my first large batch of scarves. So sisters....this is was how this all began. I didn’t have it all figured out, but I knew I had an idea of what I wanted to provide.

In November of 2016, I launched the store. If I’m to be honest, there were so many things happening in my life at that time. Moving forward with the business was an emotional fight on several levels. I played around with the idea of not doing it…not starting the business. Timing never seemed right… after all, I had 2 kids to raise and support. Was it irresponsible to spend money on a dream now? Eventually, I told myself “Sis, how can you one day tell your kids not to ever give up on their dreams…even when it gets hard …if that’s what you (yourself) are planning to do? How could you EVER tell them that you gave up on your dream because you had them?” I realized I could never. They would never be a reason to not do anything. After I made up in my mind that I wanted and needed to push forward, I remember talking to my Tiffany about a name. We kept going back and forth about ideas. She felt it should be a name instead of a phrase or one word brand.
So I thought about the kids names. They were my reason I got out of my own head. I knew that naming the brand after them it meant that
1. They would always know that they inspired me to pursue my dream and
2. That I would never build something half-ass and put their name on it. It had to be something that meant more than selling clothes. Save this thought.

My first year, I immediately started vending at festivals all over Southern California! I then ventured out to the east coast in Washington D.C., Maryland, Virginia area...then to Atlanta! I've met so many beautiful people on this journey! Like I mentioned, this was 5 YEARS ago!!! It's crazy!! And so many of you ladies are still rocking with me!! This is why today, I still fight for this brand.

After my Instagram account got hacked 1 year ago, I had to start over from scratch. Thousands of followers disappeared over night. 4 years of developing friendships from festivals, referrals, and business contacts was completely wiped away with no warning.

I was completely heartbroken.
 I was terrified.
I was shocked.
 Listen...I was depressed about it for months.

 All I was left with was my email list…which honestly, I was always hesitant to use because I didn’t want to bother people. But this is one place I found growth. I threw myself into researching, redeveloping, rediscovering the purpose of this brand.

I spent weekends attending women business training seminars and learning the importance of sharing my story and connecting with the sisterhood. Since I had to start my Instagram over anyway, I decided now is a good time to be more intentional of what I put out there…and what the community gets out of it.

I know that I wanted to build a sustainable brand that wouldn’t create harm for the environment that my kids will grow up in. With so many things going backwards in this world, I wanted to build stronger connections that will better serve our future. So, how do I propose we do this? Well, if you want something done well, and done right...you mobilize WOMEN!!

 My desire is to build a community of courageously honest and creative women who have a story to tell. I want to amplify the voices of various cultures and their experiences. I want to provide women a space to feel good about who they are in their various roles and circles. If we are not bringing our genuine self into the circle, we are cheating people out of the chance to experience real diversity…not just in color or ethnicity…but in character and culture.

I hope that this community becomes a space for us to safely explore our differences through our personal style AND through our individual stories. In these stories, I hope we all get to discover commonalities among one another that make us truly feel connected…that’s the purpose of Emorie Jordon, that is the joy of real sisterhood. ✌🏾

If we are not bringing our genuine self into the circle, we are cheating people out of the chance to experience real diversity…not just in color or ethnicity…but in character and culture.

Aittle did I know that the simple act of buying a sassy little “samba dress” at a booth at the Farmers Market in Lancaster, CA would become so much more than a fashion statement in the years to come. Initially, I was looking to change up my look. I had gotten into a "jeans and leggings" rut. I wanted colorful cute and comfortable dresses and there she was, Ms. Lahna of Emorie Jordon!!! From the very start, she was warm and inviting. That day, I not only found what would become my staple wardrobe, but I found a friend. Emorie Jordon clothing became my go-to when I needed my "retail therapy" and never once did it disappoint. 

Last year it was the perfect "cute and comfy" pandemic and zoom wear. Many a day I would throw on one of the many options that I now have and be ready for a video appearance in an instant. Also, last year, as life would have it, I ended up having a partial mastectomy (in the middle of the pandemic) and really needed to rethink my clothing options. I now had a totally different silhouette and numerous doctor appointments. It was important that I was able to still see "me" in the middle of one of the most challenging moments of my life. I got more compliments in my Emorie Jordon ensembles than any other clothing options. I was able to "camouflage" and still salvage my look. 

Shortly after that, my 19-year-old niece was diagnosed with a rare cancer and that required chemo. She is well now and is still wearing the multiple beautiful scarves from Emorie Jordon. My sister-in-law suffers from fibromyalgia and was also responsible for the care, transporting and well-being of said niece/ her granddaughter. Emorie Jordon became the bright spot in her challenging journey that helped her to always be comfortable and presentable with style. While that may sound superficial, sometimes when you are going through challenges, you just have to get up and get yourself together. Oftentimes, when you look better you feel better. 

Emorie Jordon's clothes are fun, unique, colorful and comfortable. Customer service is phenomenal!!!! I can't say enough about how grateful I am to Lahna for helping me (and my family) navigate through our various clothing challenges. Emorie Jordon has become an integral part of my personal journey and for that, I am truly grateful!!!

Hey Sisters,
Coming from a family with a history of breast cancer, it never escapes me that there's a risk with my own health.  I can still recall being in grade school when my grandmother received the diagnosis of breast cancer.  She eventually had to have both breasts removed. (although not at the same time) It was clearly a shock for everyone. Our family, her 15 siblings, her church family...it was something that woke up a community.  I remember my sister and I feeling like we could do much to help once she came back from the hospital.  There were so many questions we wanted to ask and wasn't sure how to ask them.  At some point, when my grandmother wass somewhat comfortable, she allowed us to see her scars.   I remember being a bit taken back after I realized what had really happened. It's crazy to think of what she must have been feeling at that time.  She was 47 when she was diagnosed. Now that I've approached my 40's, it's hitting me in a different way now.  

I am happy to report that my grandmother is a survivor of  32 years.  She's a fighter and told me that she was just determined not to let it beat her.  Yep, that's her! Not too long after my grandmother was in remission, my sister found lumps in one of her breast.  Because of early detection, she was able to get them removed early.  Unfortunately, within years...my grandmother lost a sister to breast cancer.  It completely shocked our family.  No one was prepared for it, and thought that she would survive it like my grandmother. But she didn't.  This was the aunt who my sister used to spend summers with in Ohio.  No summer was the same for her...nor the family.  Since then, we've had 3 other aunts and 1 cousin be diagnosed and survive this deadly disease.    

 October is also Family History month.  So go ask the ask your elders these important questions about family history and health challenges.  Remember, its not always about genetics...its almost always about the habits and traditions that are passed down.  So sisters, let's urge on another to examine our eating habits, our daily activity, and our breasts regularly.  Although early detection is important, prevention is always the goal.  



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Empowered conversations

Jan 21, 2025 Lahna Duke

Is Boho Fashion Appreciation Or Appropriation?: The History and Importance of Bohemian Fashion

Nov 06, 2021 Lahna Duke

The point is not that we acquired the beauty and style of the Romani, the problem lies in our inability to give them credit for our findings whilst continuing to profit from them.

In preparation for fall, we are getting to inspiration from backyards.  

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